Sunday, August 30, 2009
The appointment
Mitchell and I met with RE for the first time since our last pregnancy at about 9 weeks. Given my age, it seems appropriate that we get going on making another baby if we hope to give ARB a baby brother or baby sister. Initially, we wanted to talk about possibly getting some fertilized eggs and freezing them until ARB is a little older. I was a little surprised when RE suggested that our last cycle wasn't considered an overwhelming success. He actually said that as I was holding my baby who resulted from that cycle! Then he went on to explain that he retrieved 16 eggs on our first cycle, 8 were mature, 8 fertilized, we transferred 3, got pregnant with 1 and 1 made it to freeze. We should have had more from the 16 eggs retrieved. I guess it's all in how you define success. I went in for CD3 blood work a few weeks ago, and at this point, we are just waiting on my next cycle to start so the nurse can create my calendar. RE was not sure if I will follow the same protocol as he needed the results of my CD3 blood work. I should know more within the next few weeks, but we could be going for retrieval/transfer sometime by the end of October. Yikes! I'm scared.