Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Go for launch

Or at least, we are go for our cycle. We do not need to postpone because of the gall bladder surgery, which is scheduled for tomorrow at 7 am. I'm a little scared, but ready to feel better. I've read lots and lots online that describe how a faulty gall bladder can cause all sorts of yucky feelings including scales on the soles of your feet. What?

So it looks like I will start Lupron next week assuming the birth control pills have done their job.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

On our way - for now

I had the sonohystogram yesterday and all is clear for launch. I can't believe I'm all set to start Lupron next week. That is, assuming this gall bladder surgery doesn't interfere too much. I should know more tomorrow.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Crap - this is the response I got from the nurse when I asked if this stupid surgery would impact my cycle,

"... you can continue with the cycle. But if your Dr who is going to do your surgery tells your otherwise, then you will need to stop and wait a cycle."

My appointment with the surgeon isn't until Wednesday.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


It's an early Sunday evening, and ARB is finally in bed. She had a long day as MTB and I were out and about running here and there. She was so tired I put her down a few minutes early, and she's asleep. For now.

I found out this past week that I need to have my gall bladder removed. I'm hoping that it won't interfere with our IVF cycle, but the nurse hasn't returned my emails. I hope that having this thing out will make me feel better. Everyone whose had the surgery and everything I've read online suggests that I will.

I think these birth control pills are going to kill me. Or MTB. I go from nagging to mad to crying in about 10 1/2 seconds. It's getting old, and I feel powerless to deal with it.

I try to imagine having another baby in our home and it's hard. There are times by the end of the day that I am so ready for 5 minutes to myself, and I know that me-time will only get harder with another one around. Am I ready for another baby already?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Got my calendar today. The nurse had to plan around travel schedules for me, RE and embryologist so I don't expect retrieval until the end of October. As of right now, my calendar looks like this...

Sept 14 - Start BCP
Sept 28 - Sonohystogram and mock transfer
Oct 8 - Sono and start Lupron (10 units)
Oct 14 - Last BCP
Oct 19 - Sono and labwork
Oct 20 - Start stims (Follistim and Menopur) and Dexamethasone (Lupron drops to 2.5 units)
Oct 31 - Possible retrieval
Nov 3 - Possible transfer (bedrest x 4 days)
Nov 13 - First beta

Not sure how 4 days of bed rest will go this time around. Last time I was extremely compliant, and I didn't move from the bed except for a super quick shower and bathroom breaks. Not sure it will go as easily this time with a 9 month old baby girl crawling everywhere even with extra help from MTB's mother. We'll see how set in stone that bed rest really is. Many RE's don't even prescribe it.

Still nervous.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is this real?

I still don't have my calendar. How can I obsess if I don't have my calendar?

I took a home pregnancy test this morning. I've been feeling really tired and very sick for several days, and I thought it better to be safe than sorry. I just needed to know that I wasn't pregnant. I'm not.

Still scared about doing this again.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The second time around

I started birth control pills today. It always seems a little weird to begin this most aggressive form of fertility treatments with birth control pills. Of course, I understand why I'm taking them, but it still seems paradoxical.

As the thought of actually going through another IVF has started to sink in, I'm filled with anxiety and fear. How hard is this going to be when chasing ARB around the room? How will the drugs effect me this time? Will I still get those horrible Lupron headaches again? How am I going to manage ER and ET with ARB? What if this doesn't work? MTB and I had a major heart to heart the other day, and I think he's forgotten how hard this process is on the body. I think I had forgotten about it too.

I should get my calendar tomorrow.