I went in yesterday for the first follie check, and it looks like an okay crop growing in there with between 4 and 6 follies growing on each side. My E2 last Thursday was 15, so the nurse explained that an E2 in the 50's would be expected. It was 55. I hope we have at least a few good ones in there and a few others just to make me feel good. No change in my meds which include 3 Bravelle/Lupron AM and 2 Bravelle/1 Menopur PM in addition to Dexamethasone and prenatal vitamins. Another follie check tomorrow.
On another note, my blood pressure was sky high when I went in for the aspiration last Friday so I called my PCP for an appointment. Long story short - I'm back on Labetalol twice a day. It might help w the headaches as well. I'm hopeful.
I'm hopeful everything works this time around.