Monday, January 11, 2010

FET complete

As a result of the failed IVF last fall, we had 10, 3 day embryos frozen and waiting for the change at life. Late last week, we thawed all 10 and allowed them to grow to day 5. Eight survived the thaw, and on Saturday, 4 were still growing. We had one, superstar textbook blast that was already starting to hatch, two early blasts that the embryologist was unable to rate, and 1 poor looking morula. After much debate, MTB and I decided to transfer all three of the blasts, and the morula didn't make it.

My mother came in late Friday afternoon to help take care of Adele, which was a real blessing. She is so good with Adele, and Adele loves playing with her grandma. My mother did way to much work and instead of just taking care of Adele she did all the laundry in addition to cooking for us. It was sooo nice to have all that laundry done.

For the first time, I had acupuncture treatments before (actually Friday evening) and following the transfer. I'm hopeful that we have a baby growing in there.

Beta is Monday, Jan 18.

I will not take a home pregnancy test.
I will not take a home pregnancy test.
I will not take a home pregnancy test.
I will not take a home pregnancy test.
I will not take a home pregnancy test.
I will not take a home pregnancy test.
I will not take a home pregnancy test.
I will not take a home pregnancy test.

The plan is to take a home pregnancy test on Monday after the blood draw but before we get the phone call.