So Monday's sono revealed a nice thick lining of about 12.4mm, but the blood work came back a little iffy. My estrogen levels are only 123, so RE has added an oral estrace pill in addition to the 4 patches. I tried to find information regarding E2 levels in connection with an FET, and found some RE's prefer E2 levels to be higher than 200 (according to several ladies on several boards - gotta love Google). I also found a study that concluded E2 levels are not an important consideration in terms of pregnancy rates. That gave me a little comfort until I continued reading and noticed spelling errors in the paper. Hmmm...
I had asked RE's new nurse about the E2 levels, but she didn't sound too convincing as she said, "Uhm, I think..." about 10 times during a 3 minute conversation. She mentioned that the lining is more important than the E2 levels, so I *think* I might be okay.
Regardless of the E2 levels, Monday is considered pseudo-ovulation. I didn't actually ovulate, but the meds simulate ovulation. I stopped Lupron (thank you, Lord!) and started progesterone shots... same old pain in the ass.
One more twist to this medicated journey - I'll be on Lovenox this time around. In my online research, I could only find that Lovenox is prescribed for women with clotting disorders. I asked Nurse about this as well, and she flat out said that she didn't know. MTB talked w RE and was told that this addition to the protocol is based on several studies that show an increase in pregnancy rates for women whom have a failed IVF. I have no idea if I would be on this for the duration of a possible pregnancy or just through the first couple of weeks/months.
FET is scheduled for Saturday at noon. I think they will thaw our babies within the next day or two, but Nurse suggested that we probably won't get any updates (if any at all) until Friday. I hope this works and we get some blasts to transfer. I'll go in for acupuncture on Friday evening, and Teri has agreed to see me again on Saturday following the transfer. I need to start listening to my IVF/FET relaxation meditations immediately.
Please let this work.