Friday, October 30, 2009


I have no idea if I felt this way last time or not. I've looked back on that cycle, and it seems that I was pretty bloated by this time, but now, I feel cramps where my ovaries would be. Did I feel cramps last time too? I just don't remember, but this is really freakin' me out. I wonder if I'm not ovulating early perhaps.

As for the trigger, it went well given that I messed up. During my appointment yesterday, the nurse mixed the trigger shot, and I was supposed to put it in the fridge when I got home. I forgot. When we got home, it was time for ARB to eat and I had to take my last Follistim injection and I completely forgot the shot in my purse for about 5 or 6 hours. When I did think about it, I put it in the fridge and let it go. Fast forward a few hours until after RE's office closed. I started to worry about the shot. Did I mess it up? I Google. Dr. Google and his many amateur assistants have conflicting stories... some say that as long as it's used within 12 hours of mixing, it should be okay but some say that the effectiveness may be compromised. I panic. I call RE on his cell phone, and he returns my call within 2 minutes. As long as the temperature in our home didn't get into the 90's, I should be okay. Then he tells me that he had to have some sort of emergency procedure done on his right eye, and he will be wearing a bandage during ER on Saturday. Uhm. What?

Arrgghhh, an RE with a patch - I'm trying to ignore the fact that he will be wielding a giant needle in and around my girly bits. Ahoy, Matie.

And MTB did make it home in time to give me the trigger. He did a good job, and I didn't feel a thing.