Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How I'm doing

Cray-zeee! That pretty much sums it up. The meds have fried every last nerve when it comes to everyone except ARB. MTB can't seem to do anything without it absolutely driving me crazy. We talked last night, and I mentioned that we haven't been talking enough lately and that's never good.

On a completely different note, MTB provided a semen sample at the lab yesterday. The lab is located at a hospital about 30 miles away, and since our last cycle, it's been acquired by another hospital system. Last time, MTB walked in and after some trouble actually finding the right place, he did the deed and left. This time, he actually had to register. He spent nearly an hour in admitting and had a bracelet. He said the bracelet didn't help.

I'm cramping a little bit and I'm worried. I wonder if I haven't screwed up something and I'm ovulating early. My brain tells me that everything is probably okay, but still, what if it's not? Sono and blood work in a few hours.....