Today's follie check revealed 30 measurable follicles! 30!! Not all will contain an egg and not all eggs will be mature, but it's looking good so far. I have about 15 follies on each side with the biggest measuring about 20mm. I have 9 more between 16-19mm and several, several more between 12-15mm. I hope there are at least a few good ones in there because I'm not convinced that I could do this again anytime soon. Trigger is expected tomorrow although MTB is planning a trip to Houston so I may end up giving the trigger to myself. Not fun, but I could probably handle it.
Retrieval is expected Saturday morning, and MTB and I have been going back and forth about what to do with ARB during that time. At first, we thought we could just tag team her, but as the reality sets in, we realize that we probably need to find someone to care for her. We don't have family in town so it's not like we have built-in babysitters. I talked w a friend of mine who lives about 3 miles from the hospital where we will be Saturday morning, and she has agreed, in theory, to watch Adele. She agreed not knowing that we will need to be at the hospital by 6 am. My friend is not much of a morning person, so we'll see if she's still interested.