Thursday, October 22, 2009


I had decided that I wasn't going to do all those stupid things I did with IVF #1... things like soaking my feet (to increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries), eat eggs (I HATE eggs - except in cake) or drink protein shakes (eh! I burned out on them). All those ideas came from reading the online baby boards rather than my doctor so I thought that they probably didn't have much to do with the success of my last cycle. Maybe I was wrong to drop those things?

I went in for the first follie check this morning, and it seems that my left ovary is currently on strike. While the right has about 5 or 6 good size follies after 2 days of stims, the left has no activity.

Is my hope for another baby too much to ask?

ETA: E2 is 87 and the meds stay the same (225 units of Follistim in the AM, 150 units of Follistim in the PM + 75 units of Menopur). Now if I can just get my insurance company to approve the dang refills, life will be okay.