I decided that it's time to move the timeline for IVF#2 from the sidebar, but I certainly wanted to keep it for future reference. Here it is - in all its failure...
*Sept 14 - Start BCP
*Sept 28 - Sonohystogram and mock transfer
*Oct 8 - Sono and start Lupron (10 units)
*Oct 14 - Last BCP
*Oct 19 - Sono and labwork
*Oct 20 - Start stims (Follistim and Menopur) and Dexamethasone
*Oct 22 - Sono and labwork (E2 = 87, 5 measurable follicles)
*Oct 24 - Sono and labwork (E2 = 352, 18 measurable follicles )
*Oct 26 - Sono and labwork (E2 = 961, 26 measurable follicles )
*Oct 28 - Sono and labwork (E2 = 2222, 30 measurable follicles)
*Oct 29 - Sono and labwork (20 mature follicles + 10 others)
*Oct 31 - Retrieval (12 mature eggs + 5 more that could mature in culture)
*Nov 1 - Fert report - (16 eggs fertilized of which 14 are considered good/excellent quality and 2 arrested)
*Nov 3 - Transferred 3, 8-celled embryos (1 grade A and 2 grade B) and froze 10 on day 3 (bedrest x 4 days)
*Nov 13 - Negative