We transferred 3 embryos on Tuesday, November 3. This time around, it seemed much more anticlimactic than it did the first time around, and yet it was still super exciting. I'm still not sure why we didn't push for a 5 day transfer since we still had 13 embryos growing strong in the lab. We ended up transferring the best 3 and freezing 10 on day 3.
MTB's mother was here to take care of ARB while I was on bed rest - 4 days of bed rest! We had breakfast and headed over the hospital for our 12:30 appointment. After spending more time than I hoped with my legs wide in the air, it was done. I didn't have to wait as long to go to the bathroom this time around, but I waited anyway and listened to a meditation designed for post-transfer. I was home and in bed by 3:00.
We got a picture* of our embryos this time around, and I have to say that these are some fine looking kids...
I hope at least 1 decides to stick around for a while.
*The real life picture is so much better, but I took one with my iPhone since I never remembered to ask MTB to scan it for me.